Tuesday 11 October 2011

Rhode Island & Cambridge (Cambridge Mass, that is)

Just reached the end of Fall Break, basically a 4 day weekend. (Columbus Day + 1 day off) Plan was to take it easy and catch up on all that work, but things were more interesting than that. First trip was to Rhode Island for a big art/craft/antiques festival.

There was mostly the kind of stuff you look at but probably wouldn't buy. Lots of knitted hats - not that they were needed, it was insanely hot for October. And, I got to tick off another US State. Just need to pop up to New Hampshire and Maine now!

I just spent two days in very-nearly-Boston, visited Cambridge, Massachusetts. It's a lovely place, I haven't got any photos of it because all of it just looks so nice. Old brick buildings, green spaces, cute cafes, very pedestrian friendly. I did get this photo of the river with Boston on the other side:

Walking round Cambridge gave me hope that I could live abroad after all. So far, I feel like England is the only place where I could live for the long-term. But maybe I just need to find the right city.

While I was walking round the area with all the MIT buildings, there was a small memorial service for Steve Jobs. There was a plaque on the ground - put there a month ago - covered in tributes of flowers and, of course, apples.

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