Sunday 11 March 2012

Spring Already?

5 months on, I'll have to give a hasty catch-up of what's happened since October. Halloween I was up in New Hampshire (crossed another State off my mental list) and there was a crazy amount of snow for late October. Sadly, I have no pictures.
After that, winter has been really mild for New England- barely two more snowfalls. I'm glad though, it still seemed freezing to me!

I spent my first ever Thanksgiving in Boston with a uni friend and some of her German exchange friends from up-state NY. We had a fabulous Thanksgiving meal at Legal Sea Foods, but during the day eeeeveeerryyything was shut.
We did wander round the city's Freedom Trail, (museums all closed, of course) and saw this 17th century graveyard with weird winged-skull motifs.

Moving on, I got through finals unscathed, and just before I headed home for Christmas, I met the same friend, plus another shorter English friend, in New York city! Here we are shopping on 5th Avenue, near the obnoxious Apple cube.

We stayed on the upper east side in a really nice area, using
I used the same website to find a room in Boston, and ordinary people become hosts by putting up their apartments, houses, rooms and boats for travellers. Go check it out next time you need a hotel! It's way cheaper.

Since Christmas - well, I came back in mid-January and I've been going to class and willing Spring to arrive. Tomorrow is forecast to be 17C/63F so things are looking up!

I spent last weekend in Toronto, visiting a sister, and as nice as the city is, it was bloody freezing. I enjoyed seeing my lovely older sister though. 

In just a few more weeks the semester will end, and I'm looking forward to being back on English soil. First though, I'm going on further travels with the two Brits mentioned above, and I know it will be incredible.

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